
🌸香港资料免费长期公开🌸丨教育部部长怀进鹏《人民日报》撰文:深化教育综合改革  第1张


🌸香港资料免费长期公开🌸丨教育部部长怀进鹏《人民日报》撰文:深化教育综合改革  第2张

More importantly, some parents overlook the fact that every child is unique, and has different interests and needs. They wrongly believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, and assume that what applies to school also applies to summer activities. Then there is peer pressure. The fear of their children falling behind if they don't participate in certain activities prompts parents to push their children to take part in every possible activity, which increases their financial burden.

▲ 约翰·杜威(John Dewey, 1859-1952)🌸香港资料免费长期公开🌸,美国著名教育家、哲学家、思想家,陶行知在哥大的导师